

Friday, June 8, 2012

Life Back East

So this year, summer sales has proven to be quite eventful so far. We've been out here in Elkhart for about a month and already Skylar has some crazy stories to tell. The guys have been traveling to all the little cities around the area, and for some reason the cops really just don't like them sometimes. Unfortunately, Skylar has had two incidents where he's been handcuffed, which always makes for a great story at dinner that night. But they soon realize he's not causing problems and let him go. Oh the life of a door to door salesman! He definitely goes into some interesting places and meets some interesting people. But all in all, the summer has been good, here's some of our adventures so far!

We got to celebrate our 1st Anniversary together on May 7th! We couldn't believe a year had gone by already. Skylar surprised me and took me on a fancy date! It was really fun!

 It said Happy Anniversary in the Menu!

We had an office BBQ in the park on Mother's Day with all the guys and techs. It was fun just to relax and hang out together.

 Skylar grillin' some burgers!
 Kara and Haylee playing, so cute!

We got to take a trip to Chicago for some amazing pizza! I don't think I've ever seen a pizza so massive and full of cheese before. It was delicious and we were all stuffed afterwards. That was our first time in Chicago!

Got to love every city and its quirks. Elkhart has these giant painted Elks all over the city. We had to get a picture with one!
 Pretty Botanic Gardens

Haha, oh and this guy have fun together! He was playing with the fire in the candle and I thought it was really funny.

Skylar and some of his guys by the S. S. Ghetto! Why am I sending my husband here everyday?

Me and the other wives have had fun exploring some of the Amish Country! We went to a little place called Shipshewana which was so cute with horse and buggies all over the place! I had the best pie I've ever had in my life I think, amish made chocolate and peanut-butter, doesn't get any better! Mmm. We also found this Old Bag Factory in Goshen too. Just part of the summer adventures!

And of course, there's laying by the pool. Wouldn't be summer without that :)

So this is the last of our adventures here in Elkhart, IN. We will be going to Grand Rapids, MI which seems like a really neat city. I'm excited for all the fun things we will find there!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcome to Elkhart, Indiana

     Wow, so I discovered that I am a terrible blogger. It's been almost a year since my last post, but I've decided to be better. I guess the school year is just so busy, I forget about it! But now it is summer again, and I've got all the time in the world. But here we are again, another summer of security sales and we're in Indiana! In a little town called Elkhart. The first two weeks we were out here we were just in a normal hotel. Talk about claustrophobia! That hotel room looked smaller and smaller everyday. Luckily the staff was so friendly, they got to know all of us because we were there for so long. They'd leave the breakfast open a little longer so we could sleep in and they even had warm chocolate chip cookies set out every night! So neat! Gotta love nice and friendly people who brighten your day. It was kinda nice to not have anything to do, I read a book for fun for the first time in a really long time! I read the Hunger Game's series. So intense, I could not put it down!
Seriously, I think I'm notorious for always being late on reading really great books. It's okay though, I've accepted it. Anyways, it seems to be a nice little place and I definitely can't complain about our living conditions. We're in an extended stay hotel and I'm not gonna lie, I could get used to living like this! It's like a small apartment with all the sweet amenities! Complimentary breakfast every morning, and dinners 3 times a week. Not to mention they clean everything for you, I could have them make my bed everyday if I wanted them too! It's going to be quite a reality check when I have to actually start cleaning again. Oh well, for now I'll just live it up, because when am I ever going to really get to live like this again? Haha! So here's to summer sales and all the adventures I get to encounter while my sweet hubby works all day. I can tell it's going to be a good summer! It's always nice to be surrounded by great people! Oh and can't forget about little Dinkis. I think we have the best pet ever, because I don't think any other cat would fly on an airplane all day and be okay living in a hotel room.